Tuesday, August 9, 2022


You constantly cry that you're being abused
Scared to go home because of the verbal and
 physical punches
Mentally and physically drained you ask for help
Plans are made for your escape from pain and
 entrance to a new freedom
Everything and everyone is in place to help
 you survive
Waiting and waiting you never show
Finally you call saying you're staying
Disbelief surrounds your would be freedom
Shaking their heads they disperse
Battered and bruised you again ask
 for help
Incredulous stares are aimed at you
They answer no because they can't help you
 until you're willing to help yourself be free
Shit just got real

Looking around you see your own striving
 to succeed
Jokes and disparaging comments spew
 from your mouth
Everyday you block the path to greener
And everyday they find a way around your
You and your crew thinking intimidation
 will keep them down
Yet they and their dreams use your weapons
 to spur them on
They're supposed to succumb to your taunts
 and aggressions and you wonder why you fail
The question is asked
 Why do you keep trying
The answer is given
 We honor our destiny and not your fears
Shit just got real

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